DFFAAHT is proudly partnered with the following...
Alabama 200 - Explore Mobile - United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
- Visit Mobile, 2018 Top Attraction
- Governor, Alabama State Senate, city of Mobile, Mobile county
- 2015 Gov Tourism conference, Battle House
- Ambassador program
- Black History Month
- Saraland HS, UMS Wright, John L. LeFlore HS, Vigor HS, Murphy HS, Continuing Learning Center (CLC)
- Spring Hill College partnership, design students
- The University of South Alabama Archeology Dept.
- Mobile County Public Library - Local Churches
- Church Bible studies - Equal Justice Initiative (EJI)
- Mobile County Blue Way
- College of William and Mary
- MCTC Alumni Association
- Grant funding Kimberly-Clark Corp.
- Mobile City Council
- Bishop State Community College
- MCPSS 4th grade curriculum
- Summer Camps
- Gulf Coast Exploreum, My Body Works (African American Doctors & Pharmacists)
- Mobile Medical Museum
- Mobile Museum of Art
- American Association for Retired People (AARP)
- Alabama Contemporary Arts Center
- Mobile Arts Council
- Mobile United/Leadership Mobile
- Orange Beach Tourism Conference
and has been recognized by...
-ACCESS Magazine
- Natural Awakenings
- Top 100 mid-size cities
- Proceedings and Debates of the 112th Congressional record
- "Dora Franklin Finley Day" in the city of Mobile
- AT&T African American History calendar (Cooper, Malone, Dora Franklin Finley, James A. Franklin, MD., James H. Finley, Sr.)
- Rotary Club
- Lyons Club
- MENSA Ltd.
- Mobile Area Chamber of Commerce
- C-Span
- 60 minutes
- Roland Martin Unfiltered
- National Public Radio (NPR)